13 Platinum Prints
Published by: 21st Editions, USA
Limited edition contains fourteen bound, signed platinum prints, plus one free standing print.
For years Michael Kenna has been recognized as one of the world’s leading photographers, an artist with so great a grasp of place that his way of seeing Stonehenge, Versailles, Easter Island, Hokkaido, and elsewhere has become "our" way of seeing them. Kenna has now turned his eye to Mont-Saint-Michel where light dawns through graceful arches, cascades down stairways and roadways, wraps itself around 900 year old Gothic architecture in a delicate embrace as it seeps into otherwise impermeable stone to illuminate it from within. Kenna has indeed created the photographic portrait of the island and its architecture, a body of work which rivals and complements Henry Adams’ classic Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres, the famed book which is the verbal portrait of the Mount. Our handmade, limited edition unites Adams’ words with Kenna’s images and contains a short introduction by John Wood and a scholarly essay by Lance Speer.